
Kommentare und Berichte zu Politik, Religion und Kultur mit Fokus auf den Nahen Osten.

Samstag, 7. Mai 2011


Wegen Terrorangst anderer Passagiere mussten zwei Muslime ein US-Passagierflugzeug kurz vor dem Start verlassen. Die Männer in traditioneller muslimischer Kleidung saßen am Freitagabend (Ortszeit) in Memphis (Tennessee) an Bord eines Jets der Gesellschaft "Atlantic Southeast Airlines", als die Maschine bereits Richtung Start rollte. Nach Hinweisen anderer Passagiere, die sich vor den Männern füchteten und in ihnen potenzielle Terrorverdächtige sahen, sei das Flugzeug zum Gate zurückgekehrt.
Die rassistischen Passagiere werden auch noch zu Opfern gemacht. Zu Opfern der "Terrorangst", die sich vor den Männern "fürchteten". Ich kann kaum in Worte fassen wie sehr mir diese armen Passagiere Leid tun. Unglaublich was diese Menschen durchgemacht haben müssen in Gegenwart dieser Muslime.

Interessantes Detail:
Die Männer, die mit ihrer Kleidung Furcht unter den Mitreisenden erzeugt hätten, seien auf dem Weg zu einer Konferenz über Vorurteile gegen Muslime gewesen, sagte CAIR-Sprecher Ibrahim Hooper.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Das läßt die Bedeutung des Wortes 'Terror' in einem ganz anderen Licht erscheinen.

    In letzter Zeit stellt sich immer häufiger die Frage wer hier eigentlich wen terrorisiert.

    Die Reaktion der Fluggesellschaft ist absolut nicht nachvollziehbar und es verbleibt nur zu hoffen, daß die beiden Männer mit einer möglichst hohen Schadenersatzklage durchkommen.

  2. Und so ist es im 'The Islamic Standard' nachzulesen:

    '' US imams thrown off domestic flights

    Three imams, who were ironically on their way to a conference on Islamophobia were kicked off US domestic flights out of ‘security fears.’

    Two of the imams boarded a flight from Memphis, Tennessee to Charlotte, North Carolina on Friday but the aircraft returned to the terminal so they could be put through “additional screening”, said a spokesman for Atlantic South Airlines (ASA), the Delta Connection airline operating the flight.

    This despite the fact, they’d already been through all the usual security checks, it seems having a couple of beardies wearing Islamic dress was too much for the passengers and crew to deal with.

    “We take security and safety very seriously, and the event is currently under investigation,” said spokesman Jarek Beem, adding that the men were put on the next available flight.

    ASA is investigating the incident, “and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused”, Mr Beem added when speaking to the international press.

    Imam Al-Amin Abdul-Latif of Long Island was barred from boarding altogether an American Airlines flight from New York to Charlotte Friday evening, instead being told to return Saturday morning to LaGuardia… then only to be refused boarding again, without explanation.

    “This morning we get to the airline, and the ticket agent told my father that the airline does not want him to fly. Those were her exact words,” Abu Bakr Abdul-Latif, the son of the imam said.

    “There was nothing he could do,” said the son who travelled on to the Charlotte conference without his father.

    Masudur Rahman, a permanent US resident from India and former Memphis imam who teaches Arabic at the University of Memphis, said he and another cleric, a US permanent resident from Egypt and dressed in a shoulder-to-ankle Islamic robe, were pulled off ASA flight 5452 and cleared through new security checks.

    “But when we went to re-enter the plane, the Delta supervisor said ‘Sorry, the pilot is not allowing you to enter,’” Mr Rahman said.

    Delta negotiated at length with the pilot, noted Mr Rahman, who said he was told that “some passengers might be uncomfortable” with their presence on the plane but in reality the only reason people can be refused is if the pilot does not want them on board.

    It it is perhaps showing a great deal of irony that the imams were heading to the North American Imams Federation conference entitled… “Islamophobia: Diagnosis and Treatment”. ''
